Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Desire

On my way back to campus yesterday afternoon, the song "This is My Desire" by Hillsong came on the radio. I began to think about all that has been going on in my life, especially this semester. With graduation only a couple of months away, the idea of what I will do when I graduate has been heavily on my mind. Do I go to seminary or grad school and continue my education? Do I go overseas and work in missions? Do I work locally in a church? Do I go through a well-known missions's organization or a smaller organization? What do I do? I know one of my biggest weaknesses is allowing others to influence me in such a way that I do what they want me to do (or what they think I should be doing). Why do I allow people to have this control over me? I don't know. What I do know is what I desire. I desire to be in the will of the Father. I desire, as the song says, to "live for him alone". I hope that as time goes on I will truly learn this is all that matters. Paul gets to this in many of his books over and over. I hope that I one day I will be able to grasp all that it means for Christ to be my life. I pray that one day my desire to "live for him alone" will be fulfilled.

1 comment:

  1. This is James, Anna's bro. Great post, I love that song! We can relate to what you are feeling in many ways.We would love to chat with you about what we are doing and opportunities here in Belize. I think Anna gave you our contact info, but if not it is on our blog. j/h
