Friday, March 6, 2009

Just One

One of the few shows on television that I follow is The Biggest Loser. This past week the challenge between the two teams was making and loading food crates to be shipped to local food pantries. This challenge was allowing them to not only receive a year's supply of free groceries and letters from home but was allowing them to give back to those helping them out. After the contest, they were interviewing players from both teams to see how they felt afterwards. A player on the losing team stated, "We can't help everyone everywhere, but we can help someone somewhere." This statement sent a challenge through me. While so many times, especially in missions, we feel we need to go overseas to make a difference. We feel we must donate large sums of money to make a difference. We feel since we can't help everyone, there is no use even trying. I state we can. Here lately my eyes have been opened to those around me. Why am I so eager to go overseas and help those when I don't even help those around me? This should not be. I pray that God changes my view. I pray that I will see those needs around me and realize I can make a difference...even if it's just to one. I pray that while I am here I will be light to those around me. I pray for a continous new view.